Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Entry #6


The quote from Tompkins, “Teachers regularly observe children as they look at books and reread familiar ones to monitor their developing knowledge about written language concepts” (Tompkins, 2017, pg. 119) got me thinking about the change that is happening with how we evaluate our students. I know that there is the standard grading that we have been doing for years that evaluates students ability to learn skills and recite information. Participation is based on who raises their hand and speaks during the class discussions. Is this the best way to evaluate what the students are learning or are we just teaching them to retain information? Is this active learning? The evaluation methods are changing so that we are looking at each of the childrens successes as well as areas of growth. Tompkins states, “Teachers also create .....

Tompkins, G.E. (2017). Literacy for the 21st century: A balanced approach (7th Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson.

1 comment:

  1. Kaya Lani, this entry is posted, but unfinished? Remember you do not want to publish your entries until they are finished.


Entry #11

Before being in LTED 601 I believed that I understood literacy. I thought I knew what it was, what it meant to be literate, and what it took...